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Control systems: The brains of robots / emkon. packaging machinery

emkon. packaging machinery: robot solutions

Control systems: The brains of robots

Control systems: The brains of robots
For years now, we have been using robot systems in our packaging machines. But what benefits the best technology and the latest robot if … wenn er nicht weiß, was er wie und wann mit Ihren Produkten zu tun hat? The selection of the right robot is equally important as its correct movement at the right time. Responsible for that are the control systems, which are set up individually in every machine and for every product at emkon.

“We recalibrate every software of each particular product. For that, we have developed a new application for camera systems, that recognizes the products with high speed and different surface quality and transfers the data to the robots”, says Jens Frese, Head of the electrical design department of company emkon. “As a specialist in this area, we know very well that, beside the consideration of product-specific aspects, the interaction of the used systems is of vital importance: camera systems, line tracking, light control, gripper technology and last but not least simple operation for the technicians and operators. This is how we create the best overall package for our customers”, says Frese.

Various processes of teaching
At emkon, we are proud of the development and the improvements of the robotic controls. The customers receive a system that is optimally tailored to their products – that guarantees high efficiency in practice. “Additionally, we always work out suitable lightning technology, thus the camera can work without failure. Even for tricky challenges – like low-contrast objects – we already offer several solutions.” A distinction is made between several movement types at the programming of controls. The Point-to-point control system (PTP) specifies the starting points and ending points of the axes to describe its movements. 

The covered movement rail plays a subordinate role. However, the continuous path set the movement of the robot by means of a coordinate system. A further possibility for programming of control systems is the "Four point control system". For this purpose, the movement of a robot arm is programmed.

Also at emkon., the control is carried out with two different procedures. With the online programming the teaching takes place directly at the robot which is being teached every position of the movement until it is completely executed.

“This variant was applied most recently at the beginning of the year 2019 with the articulated robot which is integrated in our emkon. MULTIPACK PLUS”, says Frese. In opposition to this, there is the offline programming which can take place without involvement of the robot. “The transfer cinematic, which is integrated in our palletizing cell emkon. ANDROID, is a good example for that. The appropriate pallet packing scheme is chosen depending on the product”, says Frese. The focus is always on the individual requirements of the respective product. This lead in the right system with the essential technology.

Always an eye on the simplification for the operator
As a further goal, emkon pursue the implementation of robot controller in the machine control / motion control of the machine. In cooperation with well-known manufacturers of control and robot technology, the complexity of the technical structure shall be reduced, as it has already been succeeded at visualization.

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