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emkon. Robot Solutions - The best for your products

EMKON automation packaging machinery

Robot solutions & handling systems for your production

For almost 20 years our customers are benefitting from our expertise and trust on our know-how of handling systems, kinematics and robot applications daily. We always manufacture the suitable technology for the economically efficient packaging of your products in our packaging machines – whether in major machine lines or in smaller plants.

EMKON automation robot technologies

Our practical experiences for your success

Our new die-cutting cartoning line for the medical-pharmaceutical sector is equipped with a new 6-axis articulated robot of the FR-series by Mitsubishi Electric. [Find out more]

The flexible bundling of various sizes with a speed of up to 1000 products per minute – that is our new emkon. MULTIPACK PLUS. The core of this packaging machinery is its implemented high-speed articulated robot. [Find out more]

Stäubli Robotics has awarded  their "Strategic Partner" Award to emkon. With this award Stäubli noted groundbreaking solutions in the area of automation and roboticwere as well as a high innovation standard.

The coffee capsule packer emkon. CAPS Line for the Qbo capsules of Tchibo GmbH operates with three integrated delta FlexPicker. The robots not only handle the filling of various sizes of shoulder boxes but also take on the quantity monitoring and completeness check. [Find out more]

Six of the newest generation scara robots are packing up to 1000 sachets per minute in this packaging machine. Read all about the complex requirements of our american pharmaceutical customer. [Find out more]

The standard emkon. robot cell for your food and/or pharmaceutical products. Safe, hygienic and efficient packing of your products . Built in a succesful cooperation with Stäubli and Sick. [Find out more]

Scara robots are the perfect match for packaging machines in pharmaceutical and hygienic environments. They are compact, highly complex and convince with outstanding accuracy! [Find out more]

Developing new and innovative machines means relatively high investments in terms of time and costs and is always an inherent risk. We have always relied on test rigs to minimize uncertainties. You want to know how your company and your products profit from that? [Find out more]

Three integrated delta robots place products upright or horizontal into trays. See the change of the inhouse produced quick release gripper and the general operation of our FLEXPICK TP in this article . [Find out more]

The right partner for your production

5 arguments for robotic solutions by EMKON automation

Practical ­experience

Successful use of kinematics and robot applications for almost 20 years.

Your­ specialists

For years, we have been focusing on robot solutions of all leading manufacturers. We are familiar with the systems and the market.  

Perfectly ­tuned

In-house development of hard and software solutions for your individual products.

System integration

Synchronized robots and camera technologies with line-tracking.

Everything from one source

We are your systems specialist for holistic approach.

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