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emkon. Robot Solutions - The best for your products

EMKON automation packaging machinery

Robot solutions & handling systems for your production

For almost 20 years our customers are benefitting from our expertise and trust on our know-how of handling systems, kinematics and robot applications daily. We always manufacture the suitable technology for the economically efficient packaging of your products in our packaging machines – whether in major machine lines or in smaller plants.

EMKON automation robot technologies

Our practical experiences for your success

Special Task for our "trainee cobot". Alongside our emkon. owned cocktail mixer this robot provides drinks to the customers of two exclusive events. [Find out more]

Often installed as a space-saving ceiling assembly the Delta robots are the first choice for small footprint machines.  Because of their numerous benefits these robots have been applied to machines in the packaging industry for a considerable period of time now. [Find out more]

Control systems (e. g. lights, cameras, line tracking) "tell" robots when he has to be where and which way he has to move to get there to take up/down a specific product. The modifications to the customers' product is always the first priority. [Find out more]

The Articulated robot comes with an enormous mobility and flexibility. It is perfectly suited for every pick and place task imaginable. [Find out more]

The right partner for your production

5 arguments for robotic solutions by EMKON automation

Practical ­experience

Successful use of kinematics and robot applications for almost 20 years.

Your­ specialists

For years, we have been focusing on robot solutions of all leading manufacturers. We are familiar with the systems and the market.  

Perfectly ­tuned

In-house development of hard and software solutions for your individual products.

System integration

Synchronized robots and camera technologies with line-tracking.

Everything from one source

We are your systems specialist for holistic approach.

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